I have often asked myself this question, as I know many of you have asked this same question. We have prayed and prayed for answers, or to have something or someone to work in our lives, instead of struggling all the time, to no avail.
If you are praying for something, trying to get, attract, achieve it or draw it to you, and using prayer either as a supplication or beseeching of something outside of you, you're already praying amiss, because true prayer is an activation.
Prayer is an opening through and at which you get to express more of the infinitude that is within you. You're never praying for anything,you are praying from the thing itself.
I learned this the hard way, for there was a time that I felt stuck and unhappy in my situation. I had been doing all of the right things. Meditating, praying and visualizing what I wanted. What I soon learned was, none of these things I was visualizing or praying for, were going to happen, until I was aligned and matched the vibrational frequency of it.
If you’re feeling stuck in your life or aren’t happy with the situations you find yourself in, take a second look at your thoughts. Are you allowing your imagination to guide you to the things you want? Your imagination is the first place to manifest your ultimate desires.
It's important that you recognize a few of the Imagination missteps, that will block you from fulfilling your unique desires. Anything placed in your imagination and held there ultimately becomes your reality.
Perhaps the most common misuse of imagination is stressing what you don’t want for yourself. Imagining that finds expression in phrases like, “I don’t deserve prosperity,” “I'm always so unlucky,” “I'm not good enough,” and “I'm unhealthy and cannot be healed,” are the kind of ideas that may have been entertained since childhood.
The core idea is that it's already here. Using the radio analogy again, the music is already broadcasting right where you are, but it's not manifest until you tune your dial into the vibrational frequency of the station where the music is playing. When your vibration matches the vibration of the station, that station becomes manifests.
The music was already broadcasting. It wasn't in the future. It wasn't in the distance. It wasn't even potential. It became manifest when you came into integrity with it vibrationally.
You must come into integrity; you must pray believing you already have it, in order to receive it. If you pray not believing you have it, it still gets activated, but you can't receive it yet until you believe you have it.
Every sincere prayer, desire, and affirmation you've ever said in that moment, that potential, seed of possibility, is activated. It's deposited, but now the work is that you must come into alignment with it.
You are worthy of anything that you can imagine. This is the year to rid yourself of subconscious negative thoughts and beliefs. Only imagine and create a reality of positive experiences. It all starts with your mind.
If you're struggling with any issues, that are keeping you from being able to rid yourself of negative thoughts or beliefs, perhaps you would benefit from Theta Healing or Energetic Brain Reset. I would be happy to assist you in this process.
I have helped many people to free themselves of negative blocks, therefore, being able to imagine a life for themselves, operating in their full potential, living the life they dream of.
You can contact me by visiting my website: www.thetarainbowhealing.com,
through Facebook: www.facebook.com/thetarainbowhealing, or email: www.thetarainbowhealing@gmail.com
If you are praying for something, trying to get, attract, achieve it or draw it to you, and using prayer either as a supplication or beseeching of something outside of you, you're already praying amiss, because true prayer is an activation.
Prayer is an opening through and at which you get to express more of the infinitude that is within you. You're never praying for anything,you are praying from the thing itself.
I learned this the hard way, for there was a time that I felt stuck and unhappy in my situation. I had been doing all of the right things. Meditating, praying and visualizing what I wanted. What I soon learned was, none of these things I was visualizing or praying for, were going to happen, until I was aligned and matched the vibrational frequency of it.
If you’re feeling stuck in your life or aren’t happy with the situations you find yourself in, take a second look at your thoughts. Are you allowing your imagination to guide you to the things you want? Your imagination is the first place to manifest your ultimate desires.
It's important that you recognize a few of the Imagination missteps, that will block you from fulfilling your unique desires. Anything placed in your imagination and held there ultimately becomes your reality.
Perhaps the most common misuse of imagination is stressing what you don’t want for yourself. Imagining that finds expression in phrases like, “I don’t deserve prosperity,” “I'm always so unlucky,” “I'm not good enough,” and “I'm unhealthy and cannot be healed,” are the kind of ideas that may have been entertained since childhood.
The core idea is that it's already here. Using the radio analogy again, the music is already broadcasting right where you are, but it's not manifest until you tune your dial into the vibrational frequency of the station where the music is playing. When your vibration matches the vibration of the station, that station becomes manifests.
The music was already broadcasting. It wasn't in the future. It wasn't in the distance. It wasn't even potential. It became manifest when you came into integrity with it vibrationally.
You must come into integrity; you must pray believing you already have it, in order to receive it. If you pray not believing you have it, it still gets activated, but you can't receive it yet until you believe you have it.
Every sincere prayer, desire, and affirmation you've ever said in that moment, that potential, seed of possibility, is activated. It's deposited, but now the work is that you must come into alignment with it.
You are worthy of anything that you can imagine. This is the year to rid yourself of subconscious negative thoughts and beliefs. Only imagine and create a reality of positive experiences. It all starts with your mind.
If you're struggling with any issues, that are keeping you from being able to rid yourself of negative thoughts or beliefs, perhaps you would benefit from Theta Healing or Energetic Brain Reset. I would be happy to assist you in this process.
I have helped many people to free themselves of negative blocks, therefore, being able to imagine a life for themselves, operating in their full potential, living the life they dream of.
You can contact me by visiting my website: www.thetarainbowhealing.com,
through Facebook: www.facebook.com/thetarainbowhealing, or email: www.thetarainbowhealing@gmail.com