It is called "ThetaHealing®" because the practitioner enters a meditation in
"Theta" brainwave state when performing the technique. This has been verified by experiments involving ThetaHealing® pracitioners and scientists using ECG machines to prove that "Theta" practitioners are indeed achieving a "Theta" brainwave. "Theta occurs during deep relaxation and is normally entered only during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, when dreaming occurs.
The reason that changing negative patterns can sometimes be so difficult is that we are trying to change the pattern without changing the underlying belief that results in the patterns. ThetaHealing® works to help you discover and transform not just the problem, but the underlying belief system that created the problem in the first place. Until you change the belief, or uproot them, on a subconscious level, you may tend to easily fall back into old negative patterns. You may not even be aware of these beliefs in your conscious mind.
This is just like weeding a garden! You need to get the weeds out by their roots to ensure that they don't grow back. When you've done the weeding you have room for new healthy plants to grow - being the positive new throughts that help you lead a happier and healthier life.
ThetaHealing® guides us to a deep healing state of consciousness, by accessing a "Theta" brain wave. Once in this state, one has direct access to The Creator Of All That Is; thus, all things are possible.
It is possible to change unconscious limiting and outdated beliefs, for positive beliefs. It's possible to experience emotions you may never have experienced before, such as, unconditional love and joy, release any physical imbalances or "dis-ease" in your body and feel health, balanced and rejuvenated. Release your deepest fears; find out what beliefs are blocking you from living a life of abundance, health and happiness. Learn how to manifest, connect to your higher self and step into your personal power. It's where you can feel connected to All That Is, connect with your Guardian Angles and Spirit Guides, activate your DNA and reverse the aging process, learn how to communicate with your animals, heal bacteria, viruses, fungi, allergies, genetic defects, hepatitis C, Herpes, tumors, cancers, AIDS and many more diseases.
"Theta" brainwave state when performing the technique. This has been verified by experiments involving ThetaHealing® pracitioners and scientists using ECG machines to prove that "Theta" practitioners are indeed achieving a "Theta" brainwave. "Theta occurs during deep relaxation and is normally entered only during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, when dreaming occurs.
The reason that changing negative patterns can sometimes be so difficult is that we are trying to change the pattern without changing the underlying belief that results in the patterns. ThetaHealing® works to help you discover and transform not just the problem, but the underlying belief system that created the problem in the first place. Until you change the belief, or uproot them, on a subconscious level, you may tend to easily fall back into old negative patterns. You may not even be aware of these beliefs in your conscious mind.
This is just like weeding a garden! You need to get the weeds out by their roots to ensure that they don't grow back. When you've done the weeding you have room for new healthy plants to grow - being the positive new throughts that help you lead a happier and healthier life.
ThetaHealing® guides us to a deep healing state of consciousness, by accessing a "Theta" brain wave. Once in this state, one has direct access to The Creator Of All That Is; thus, all things are possible.
It is possible to change unconscious limiting and outdated beliefs, for positive beliefs. It's possible to experience emotions you may never have experienced before, such as, unconditional love and joy, release any physical imbalances or "dis-ease" in your body and feel health, balanced and rejuvenated. Release your deepest fears; find out what beliefs are blocking you from living a life of abundance, health and happiness. Learn how to manifest, connect to your higher self and step into your personal power. It's where you can feel connected to All That Is, connect with your Guardian Angles and Spirit Guides, activate your DNA and reverse the aging process, learn how to communicate with your animals, heal bacteria, viruses, fungi, allergies, genetic defects, hepatitis C, Herpes, tumors, cancers, AIDS and many more diseases.