Are you tired of people always telling you that “it’s your fault” that you’re sick, have a disease, or your life is the way it is, because “you created it?”
Since the movie “The Secret” came out, people have been using the cliché: “you create your own reality.” If you would just visualize what you want, you wouldn’t be sick, or your life would be different. Sometimes that’s correct, but other times it’s beyond your conscious control.
Let me explain using my experience. At the beginning of this year I took a partial sabbatical to write a book, doing Theta sessions only with established clients. This was interrupted in June by a life threatening situation which required emergency bowel surgery. It was a complete surprise. There were no warning signs. I felt fine and healthy, but pain hit me like a ton of bricks, and I was rushed to the hospital. The successful surgery to remove nearly a foot of dead intestine, followed by 6 days of recovery in the hospital, and 2 months recuperation at home, I can tell you, were brutal.
To make things worse, someone said to me, “Have you figured out what was in your subconscious that created this condition, and what you have learned from this experience?”
Quite frankly, I wanted to slap that person. I had cleared everything I could think of.
Mostly, I was asking “What’s wrong with me?” Then came the shame of being a healer and needing surgery. What had I not seen that caused my body to create this condition?
I asked God for direction and to guide me to someone who could help. After brooding over this for weeks, I finally consulted a medical medium who looked into my condition to determine why this had occurred. He told me it had nothing to do with my beliefs. It started in the womb. My intestinal track had never been centered, and the situation was related to my mother’s stress during pregnancy.
The surgeon had told me these kinds of conditions are a mystery. She suspected that it might be related to two previous surgeries I’d had back in the 70’s that caused adhesions and scar tissue. They expanded over time and started to squeeze my intestines and organs. Basically, nothing I did, thought or ate had anything to do with triggering the condition.
What I’m saying here is this. Even though the “Law of Attraction” is definitely in play, and one’s beliefs are a big component of this, sometimes “It’s Not Your Fault!”
There can be other reasons why “It’s Not Your Fault.” For instance, in the womb the baby not only acquires its DNA from its parents and ancestors, but also the beliefs of the parents. The baby may also bring with it beliefs, traumas and other experiences from past lives. There are also “soul contracts” whereby the soul decides what it wants to learn in any particular lifetime. Each of us is also influenced by the role models we have in growing up.
Using ThetaHealing® to heal any sort of health condition starts with the practitioner digging into the subconscious programming to identify the reasons why the health problem exists. Once this is done, and muscle tests show that the client is ready to be healed, the practitioner then performs what is called a “physical healing” by entering into a very deep theta brainwave state. The practitioner then uses a special technique to command the healing, bringing in the energy of the Universe itself to facilitate and support immediate healing.
Not all healings occur in an instant of course. Sometimes it takes multiple sessions to address all of the subconscious reasons underlying a health challenge, and sometimes it just takes some time for the body to heal itself, after the subconscious programming “bugs” are eliminated.
Why isn’t everyone healed in an instant? There are several reasons. The primary reason is that the person simply lacks the proper subconscious programming to accept and maintain an instant healing. However, they may very well heal over time or allow themselves to connect with a doctor that does work for them.
We each have a story to tell. Since the expansion of awareness about the “Law of Attraction,” more and more people are paying attention to what they think and what they say. This is a good thing! Where we often fall short is in taking action - actually doing something about our situation.
Let me ask you a question. When was the last time you actually embraced what you’ve done so far in your life and swept your “old story” aside? I used to be scared to look at why I was holding myself back from attracting abundance and health in my life.
I realized I had been holding onto my “old story” for years, getting nowhere fast, like being on a hamster wheel. Then I discovered ThetaHealing®. I learned that to experience something different in your life you have to focus on it, make the necessary internal shifts (such as reducing negative self-talk), and then move (literally, physically) in the direction of it.
You don’t achieve freedom by sitting on the side lines. I tried and failed! So many people struggle to make real change in their lives but don’t know how to achieve more joy, abundance, prosperity and love.
What’s holding you back?
I am a certified ThetaHealing® Instructor, and have become a much stronger practitioner by having gone through my journey. ThetaHealing® has transformed my life. I would love to show you how it can transform your life. I am once again accepting new clients.
You can contact me by visiting my website: or through Facebook: or email:
Since the movie “The Secret” came out, people have been using the cliché: “you create your own reality.” If you would just visualize what you want, you wouldn’t be sick, or your life would be different. Sometimes that’s correct, but other times it’s beyond your conscious control.
Let me explain using my experience. At the beginning of this year I took a partial sabbatical to write a book, doing Theta sessions only with established clients. This was interrupted in June by a life threatening situation which required emergency bowel surgery. It was a complete surprise. There were no warning signs. I felt fine and healthy, but pain hit me like a ton of bricks, and I was rushed to the hospital. The successful surgery to remove nearly a foot of dead intestine, followed by 6 days of recovery in the hospital, and 2 months recuperation at home, I can tell you, were brutal.
To make things worse, someone said to me, “Have you figured out what was in your subconscious that created this condition, and what you have learned from this experience?”
Quite frankly, I wanted to slap that person. I had cleared everything I could think of.
Mostly, I was asking “What’s wrong with me?” Then came the shame of being a healer and needing surgery. What had I not seen that caused my body to create this condition?
I asked God for direction and to guide me to someone who could help. After brooding over this for weeks, I finally consulted a medical medium who looked into my condition to determine why this had occurred. He told me it had nothing to do with my beliefs. It started in the womb. My intestinal track had never been centered, and the situation was related to my mother’s stress during pregnancy.
The surgeon had told me these kinds of conditions are a mystery. She suspected that it might be related to two previous surgeries I’d had back in the 70’s that caused adhesions and scar tissue. They expanded over time and started to squeeze my intestines and organs. Basically, nothing I did, thought or ate had anything to do with triggering the condition.
What I’m saying here is this. Even though the “Law of Attraction” is definitely in play, and one’s beliefs are a big component of this, sometimes “It’s Not Your Fault!”
There can be other reasons why “It’s Not Your Fault.” For instance, in the womb the baby not only acquires its DNA from its parents and ancestors, but also the beliefs of the parents. The baby may also bring with it beliefs, traumas and other experiences from past lives. There are also “soul contracts” whereby the soul decides what it wants to learn in any particular lifetime. Each of us is also influenced by the role models we have in growing up.
Using ThetaHealing® to heal any sort of health condition starts with the practitioner digging into the subconscious programming to identify the reasons why the health problem exists. Once this is done, and muscle tests show that the client is ready to be healed, the practitioner then performs what is called a “physical healing” by entering into a very deep theta brainwave state. The practitioner then uses a special technique to command the healing, bringing in the energy of the Universe itself to facilitate and support immediate healing.
Not all healings occur in an instant of course. Sometimes it takes multiple sessions to address all of the subconscious reasons underlying a health challenge, and sometimes it just takes some time for the body to heal itself, after the subconscious programming “bugs” are eliminated.
Why isn’t everyone healed in an instant? There are several reasons. The primary reason is that the person simply lacks the proper subconscious programming to accept and maintain an instant healing. However, they may very well heal over time or allow themselves to connect with a doctor that does work for them.
We each have a story to tell. Since the expansion of awareness about the “Law of Attraction,” more and more people are paying attention to what they think and what they say. This is a good thing! Where we often fall short is in taking action - actually doing something about our situation.
Let me ask you a question. When was the last time you actually embraced what you’ve done so far in your life and swept your “old story” aside? I used to be scared to look at why I was holding myself back from attracting abundance and health in my life.
I realized I had been holding onto my “old story” for years, getting nowhere fast, like being on a hamster wheel. Then I discovered ThetaHealing®. I learned that to experience something different in your life you have to focus on it, make the necessary internal shifts (such as reducing negative self-talk), and then move (literally, physically) in the direction of it.
You don’t achieve freedom by sitting on the side lines. I tried and failed! So many people struggle to make real change in their lives but don’t know how to achieve more joy, abundance, prosperity and love.
What’s holding you back?
I am a certified ThetaHealing® Instructor, and have become a much stronger practitioner by having gone through my journey. ThetaHealing® has transformed my life. I would love to show you how it can transform your life. I am once again accepting new clients.
You can contact me by visiting my website: or through Facebook: or email: