ThetaHealing® is based on the premise that we are the result of our thinking and that our thoughts can make us ill, or create dramas causing our life to sometimes feel as if we are out of control. These patterns of beliefs and emotions are imprinted within us at a cellular level. By being able to access the root cause of a particular issue, the belief or trauma, that has held that issue in place for so long, can be released, enabling healing to occur.
Our energy field holds all the events in our past, present and future (which are happening simultaneously) and attracting like events on a daily basis.
ThetaHealing® is a technique of achieving a conscious "Theta Brainwave" and using it to directly access the subconscious mind. This allows us to identify and transform the subconsciously held beliefs, attitudes, expectations, and traumas that we have brought into our lives via the Law of Attraction. It is the tool we use to reprogram the software of human consciousness.
ThetaHealing® is a technique which directly addresses your subconscious mind to fix the "bugs in our software," allowing miraculous instant healings and profound transformations.
ThetaHealing® is ideal for fears, phobias, anxiety, depression, panic attacks and feelings of dread. Childhood traumas such as sexual abuse, accidents, illness or difficult birth. Weight issues including obesity, anorexia and emotional eating. Physical wellbeing and health such as heart problems, backache, neckache, thyroid issues and stomach problems. Addictions and self-distructive patterns such as smoking, drugs, or abusive relationships.
Whether you seek to transform your health, your finances, your relationships or your spirituality, "Theta" is a surprisingly fast and easy way to make permanent, lasting, and effective changes in your life.
Contact me for a FREE consultation to experience the results of ThetaHealing®.