When looking back on my life, I can see that I always felt like I was a victim of circumstances. I came from a poor, very religious family. Climbing out of that, has been a long journey. A lot of very ugly abuse was done in the name of Christianity. The beliefs that were downloaded and brainwashed into me, followed me throughout my life, creating similar circumstances, even though I spent countless hours and years of my life, trying to overcome.
I found myself telling my story, over and over again, even though sometimes positive, there were always tail-enders. Even though I learned about the “law of attraction,” and used affirmations everyday, I still had tail-enders to overcome.
I finally realized, that I needed to take out the old emotional baggage, in order to create space in my awareness, for the new transformations I wanted to see in my life.
If a team of 12 horses is pulling a cart, and even one horse pulls in a different direction, the other 11 have to work much harder to stay on course. A house of consciousness divided against itself cannot stand.
Your tail-enders are perfect targets for ThetaHealing®. Rather than being afraid of those parts of our psyche, we can identify them, welcome them, embrace their energy, and clear them. ThetaHealing® gives us a tool to release these pockets of stuck matter in our minds, and open up to our full potential.
If you want to change your story and your tail-enders, keeping all of the horses in your mind, pulling straight and true toward your intentions, goals, and affirmations, you may want to try a ThetaHealing® session.