After battling the Herpes Virus and succeeding with a healing, I still felt bad. You can read my story here. My neck, shoulders and arms were still on fire. They ached day and night and nothing helped to relieve the pain.
I went back to my Naturopath doctor and explained how bad I felt, and that I couldn’t go on like this. He then pulled out what looked like an iPod, a small device. He told me that a doctor/scientist had loaded the frequency of every bacteria and virus onto this device. He then proceeded to test me for every virus, because he still picked up a virus condition. I tested positive to the HHV-6 Virus. I didn’t even know what that was, so I began my research. Here’s what I found out.
What is HHV-6 Virus?
Human Herpes virus 6 (HHV-6) is a set of two closely related herpes viruses known as HHV-6A and HHV-6B that infect nearly all human beings. Nearly 100% of humans are exposed to HHV-6 by the age of three. The acquisition of HHV-6 in infancy is often symptomatic, resulting in childhood fever, diarrhea, and exanthem subitum rash (commonly known as roseola). After the primary infection, the HHV-6 DNA appears briefly in the Serum (and spinal fluid) and then a small amount of virus establishes latency.
Like the other herpes viruses—Epstein Barr virus, varicella zoster virus, etc—HHV-6 establishes life-long latency and can become reactivated later in life. Reactivation can occur in locations throughout the body, including the brain, lungs, heart, kidney and gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, HHV-6 reactivation in the brain tissue can cause cognitive dysfunction, permanent disability and death.
Since its discovery in 1986, HHV-6 has been associated with a wide array of clinical conditions. In addition to causing “acute” disease such as encephalitis, HHV-6 can also persist as a chronic infection, nearly undetectable by most current diagnostic tests. This subacute form of HHV-6 is likely to contribute to the pathology of many diseases including roseloa, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, encephalitis, and drug hypersensitivity.
A group from the University of Ferrara, Italy, has published a study linking HHV-6A to Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (HT), an autoimmune disorder that is the most common of all thyroid diseases.
Although nearly everyone is infected with HHV-6 in childhood, only a small percentage experience reactivation of HHV-6 later in life. Moreover, many of these reactivation events never cause symptoms in affected individuals. However, evidence has shown that HHV-6 reactivation can occur at any time during the lifespan with resulting effects in a number of biological systems in the body.
My doctor put me on a different product to eradicate this virus. He said this one is different, and therefore needed a different treatment. He put me on a product called Melia Supreme, which is powdered neem leaf put into vegetarian capsules. Melia is an amazing plant that has been used therapeutically in India for at least 2,500 years. It is a superb broad spectrum anti-microbial showing effectiveness against various fungi, bacteria, parasites, virus (including herpes), and spirochetes. It does not harm beneficial intestinal flora. It has been shown to be hepato-protective, stimulates T-cell production in times of infection, and blocks pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. It also possesses small amounts of catechin and quercetin-both having anti-inflammatory and anti-histaminic properties. I was also put on a powerful immune booster.
With all of this information, I knew to ask the Creator and my body, when I got this virus. I then went back in time, to remember what was going on in my life at the time, to draw the HHV-6 virus to me. What we know in ThetaHealing®, we have the same belief systems as the virus and therefore, weakness is created in our immune system. It is drawn to these belief systems and is able to attach to us. One of the reasons that a virus is able to enter into the system is because of unbalanced emotions. If you are angry or in fear all the time, your immune system works harder. If these feelings of anger or fear continue, they have a tendency to exhaust the immune system. This is how emotions deplete the body. Viruses are drawn to beliefs of unworthiness or fear issues.
I was shown that at birth my Mother was disappointed that I was a girl and not a boy. This set me up for feeling unworthy of being born. I spent my life trying to prove that I was ok being born a girl. I remember my Mother leaving my dad and taking me and my two sisters away. I was fearful we would never see our daddy again. We were poor and had the appearance of being poor. I was fearful of what would become of us in the future and if we would be able to survive. Because we were poor, I feared being scrutinized by others.
The first step was to go back to when I was in the womb. In ThetaHealing® there is an exercise called, “Send love to baby in the womb”. That is exactly what I did, so that the baby feels love coming into this world. Then I had to shift my beliefs about unworthiness and fear. You see, the virus sends messages to be emotional, fearful and weak.
I found myself in so much pain that I felt I was unable to do the healing on myself. I needed help to get to the bottom, so I called on Lita to work on me. As it were, I was getting ready to go to the Bahamas to take the instructors certification course from Vianna Stibal, the founder of ThetaHealing®. After Lita worked on me, I was still in pain. But Lita assured me to go ahead to the Bahamas, “Don’t worry, I see Vianna working on you.” That is exactly what ended up happening.
While I was in the Bahamas in meditation, Creator showed me that I knew how to clear this virus. I was told I needed a tone vibration to change the virus and destroy it. After making sure that all of the worthiness and fear issues were shifted, I then made sure the virus had been taught God loves it, it is worthy of love etc. I then received the tone vibration. I heard the tone and watched the virus as it was transformed into something harmless, and The Creator pull the virus out of me and up through the light. At that moment I knew the virus was gone. My doctor confirmed this when I got back home and went to see him.
Some of the other beliefs that I found that needed to be shifted before I could finally have a healing were: It’s impossible to be healed or cured other than through a medical doctor. I cannot heal myself – a vow or oath from the 4th plane. Using alternative modalities will delay the healing. I’m unable to trust the healing. I’m unable to believe most healers. If you heal outside of the boundaries of the word of God you will burn in hell. Jesus is the only way to the Father/God. Only Jesus can heal. I fear never being well and healthy. I am well and healthy, no. I fear it could be the wrong diagnosis. I fear getting sicker without knowing what’s wrong. I fear pain will never go way.
Through my story of healing, you can see that anything can be healed. It’s finding the core beliefs that are holding the condition in place and clearing or shifting them. Once you do that, the virus or condition cannot stay in your body. When there is nothing blocking you from having a healing, then it has to happen! It will happen!
I went back to my Naturopath doctor and explained how bad I felt, and that I couldn’t go on like this. He then pulled out what looked like an iPod, a small device. He told me that a doctor/scientist had loaded the frequency of every bacteria and virus onto this device. He then proceeded to test me for every virus, because he still picked up a virus condition. I tested positive to the HHV-6 Virus. I didn’t even know what that was, so I began my research. Here’s what I found out.
What is HHV-6 Virus?
Human Herpes virus 6 (HHV-6) is a set of two closely related herpes viruses known as HHV-6A and HHV-6B that infect nearly all human beings. Nearly 100% of humans are exposed to HHV-6 by the age of three. The acquisition of HHV-6 in infancy is often symptomatic, resulting in childhood fever, diarrhea, and exanthem subitum rash (commonly known as roseola). After the primary infection, the HHV-6 DNA appears briefly in the Serum (and spinal fluid) and then a small amount of virus establishes latency.
Like the other herpes viruses—Epstein Barr virus, varicella zoster virus, etc—HHV-6 establishes life-long latency and can become reactivated later in life. Reactivation can occur in locations throughout the body, including the brain, lungs, heart, kidney and gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, HHV-6 reactivation in the brain tissue can cause cognitive dysfunction, permanent disability and death.
Since its discovery in 1986, HHV-6 has been associated with a wide array of clinical conditions. In addition to causing “acute” disease such as encephalitis, HHV-6 can also persist as a chronic infection, nearly undetectable by most current diagnostic tests. This subacute form of HHV-6 is likely to contribute to the pathology of many diseases including roseloa, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, encephalitis, and drug hypersensitivity.
A group from the University of Ferrara, Italy, has published a study linking HHV-6A to Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (HT), an autoimmune disorder that is the most common of all thyroid diseases.
Although nearly everyone is infected with HHV-6 in childhood, only a small percentage experience reactivation of HHV-6 later in life. Moreover, many of these reactivation events never cause symptoms in affected individuals. However, evidence has shown that HHV-6 reactivation can occur at any time during the lifespan with resulting effects in a number of biological systems in the body.
My doctor put me on a different product to eradicate this virus. He said this one is different, and therefore needed a different treatment. He put me on a product called Melia Supreme, which is powdered neem leaf put into vegetarian capsules. Melia is an amazing plant that has been used therapeutically in India for at least 2,500 years. It is a superb broad spectrum anti-microbial showing effectiveness against various fungi, bacteria, parasites, virus (including herpes), and spirochetes. It does not harm beneficial intestinal flora. It has been shown to be hepato-protective, stimulates T-cell production in times of infection, and blocks pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. It also possesses small amounts of catechin and quercetin-both having anti-inflammatory and anti-histaminic properties. I was also put on a powerful immune booster.
With all of this information, I knew to ask the Creator and my body, when I got this virus. I then went back in time, to remember what was going on in my life at the time, to draw the HHV-6 virus to me. What we know in ThetaHealing®, we have the same belief systems as the virus and therefore, weakness is created in our immune system. It is drawn to these belief systems and is able to attach to us. One of the reasons that a virus is able to enter into the system is because of unbalanced emotions. If you are angry or in fear all the time, your immune system works harder. If these feelings of anger or fear continue, they have a tendency to exhaust the immune system. This is how emotions deplete the body. Viruses are drawn to beliefs of unworthiness or fear issues.
I was shown that at birth my Mother was disappointed that I was a girl and not a boy. This set me up for feeling unworthy of being born. I spent my life trying to prove that I was ok being born a girl. I remember my Mother leaving my dad and taking me and my two sisters away. I was fearful we would never see our daddy again. We were poor and had the appearance of being poor. I was fearful of what would become of us in the future and if we would be able to survive. Because we were poor, I feared being scrutinized by others.
The first step was to go back to when I was in the womb. In ThetaHealing® there is an exercise called, “Send love to baby in the womb”. That is exactly what I did, so that the baby feels love coming into this world. Then I had to shift my beliefs about unworthiness and fear. You see, the virus sends messages to be emotional, fearful and weak.
I found myself in so much pain that I felt I was unable to do the healing on myself. I needed help to get to the bottom, so I called on Lita to work on me. As it were, I was getting ready to go to the Bahamas to take the instructors certification course from Vianna Stibal, the founder of ThetaHealing®. After Lita worked on me, I was still in pain. But Lita assured me to go ahead to the Bahamas, “Don’t worry, I see Vianna working on you.” That is exactly what ended up happening.
While I was in the Bahamas in meditation, Creator showed me that I knew how to clear this virus. I was told I needed a tone vibration to change the virus and destroy it. After making sure that all of the worthiness and fear issues were shifted, I then made sure the virus had been taught God loves it, it is worthy of love etc. I then received the tone vibration. I heard the tone and watched the virus as it was transformed into something harmless, and The Creator pull the virus out of me and up through the light. At that moment I knew the virus was gone. My doctor confirmed this when I got back home and went to see him.
Some of the other beliefs that I found that needed to be shifted before I could finally have a healing were: It’s impossible to be healed or cured other than through a medical doctor. I cannot heal myself – a vow or oath from the 4th plane. Using alternative modalities will delay the healing. I’m unable to trust the healing. I’m unable to believe most healers. If you heal outside of the boundaries of the word of God you will burn in hell. Jesus is the only way to the Father/God. Only Jesus can heal. I fear never being well and healthy. I am well and healthy, no. I fear it could be the wrong diagnosis. I fear getting sicker without knowing what’s wrong. I fear pain will never go way.
Through my story of healing, you can see that anything can be healed. It’s finding the core beliefs that are holding the condition in place and clearing or shifting them. Once you do that, the virus or condition cannot stay in your body. When there is nothing blocking you from having a healing, then it has to happen! It will happen!